Monday, October 5, 2015

On a Honey Ray kick Here Guys---Don't Ya' Just Love Her? I thought You Did---Good Boy

I should interview Honey Ray at some point. But here are a few pics of here again.

For those of you like me who are way past liking 20 or 30 something women,Honey Ray just warms
the cockles of this man's perverted heart.

Funny how I always liked women much older than myself. Not just because they're more mature;but they are sexy as hell and I and most men who like the older women know what I speak of.

We'd love nothing better than to be in arms of a woman like Honey Ray.

Here's a link to her personal site. She is a companion and yoga instructor down in the great state of Florida.

Maybe I might just start a blog dedicated to Honey Ray.

We'll see.

Enjoy guys. 

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